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Thursday, November 3, 2011


Tuesday I mentioned our squirrel proof bird feeder. It didn't deter the squirrels the first time, but this crop of squirrels it has deterred. Wait a minute 0 I wonder if I am sending them to our attic instead?

Got some tips we will be using for our squirrel hotel and a few friends mentioned they would like to see how the squirrel proof bird feeder works. Here it is. Be prepared to laugh.

And no squirrels were harmed in the making of this video. lol

Thought for the day - this past month more of my blog friends have had issues to be prayed over. I mean big issues. So silently asked for - some for friends - cancer - mental pain - money problems - frustrations. I think it has been a rough go of things. And last night I prayed a long time. And I know for a fact they have a lot of other blog friends praying for them too - not just me.

My hope is that you have a good day today - just think about this one day - and that you are 'able' enough to see some things in it that makes you happy. Things you might be grateful for. Know you are not alone.

"I have no trouble with my enemies. I can take care of my enemies all right. But my... friends. They're the ones that keep me walking the floor nights!" ~ Warren G. Harding

I believe that is the job of a friend - to walk the floor at nights some times. Anyone can be an acquaintance - it takes effort to be a friend.


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