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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Good Morning . . .

Good Morning Friends - I hope that you have a great and relaxing weekend.


A lot of people are experiences colds right now - at least here. I think maybe (?) the weather is warm one day cold the next and our bodies can't keep up.

I read Dr. Mercola every day and he is a real MD, but with a natural health type flair. And this was one of his suggestions:

Hydrogen Peroxide: A Simple Trick to Beat a Cold

I don't advise over-the-counter medications, but one simple treatment you can try that is surprisingly effective against upper respiratory infections is hydrogen peroxide.
Many patients at my Natural Health Center have had remarkable results in curing colds and flu within 12 to 14 hours when administering a few drops of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into each ear. You will hear some bubbling, which is completely normal, and possibly feel a slight stinging sensation.
Wait until the bubbling and stinging subside (usually 5 to 10 minutes), then drain onto a tissue and repeat with the other ear. A bottle of hydrogen peroxide in 3 percent solution is available at any drug store for a couple of dollars or less. It is simply amazing how many people respond to this simple, inexpensive treatment.

And wash your hands a lot.

Thought for the day:

He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.

- Epictetus

A hard thing to do I admit - and I can't say I haven't grieved before - I have and even the Bible tells us there is a time to grieve - but it also says there is a time to dance. What the Bible doesn't tell us is how much of each to do. I think that is a choice left up to us. ( Now my disclaimer here is that there are really some clinically depressed people and of course they should seek help. ) Have a happy day.


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