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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Animal Tales

Well in all my years I've never seen this. We were driving down the street and all of a sudden a hawk came down in a neighbor's yard and swooped down and caught a squirrel.

My daughter and GS saw it too - it was like watching the Animal Planet on television.

Ever see something like that - I felt I was in another place in time. It was breath taking. Sad, but awesome at the same time.

Like in slow motion yet it was so incredibly fast.

These are not my photos - I didn't have my camera with me and it would have happened so fast I wouldn't have had it ready, but this is what it looked like from someone else's photos.

Something to think about:

We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever." ~
Carl Sagan

I bet that squirrel thought he had forever and then in one moment of time - his life changed forever. So thinking about that - we need to appreciate every single minute!


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