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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Animal Tails

Do you remember the Tea-berry Shuffle? You should have seen me today. I have been so incredibly sad - yes - sad - over losing my comments being sent to me from blogger. Guess what - my husband actually sat with me today and we worked on it and GUESS WHAT?
He fixed it - it was Comcast - when they did some fancy changes to Xfinity - they just changed my spam - and believe me - hubby worked hard getting into the innards of this issue.
So thank you Rick. I feel sooooooooooooooooooooo much better. Am I addicted to blogging or what?

My grandson and daughter decorated our yard.

This is our flamingo!

Went to his Fun Festival at school and climbed the rock wall.

Here is my GS - he was a Star War character. Here is Disco playing a candy thief!

The Squirrel Saga Continues

Now this is squirrel number 4 in our attic - they must think we are running a hotel or something. So you would think we know nothing about squirrels - but alas we do - we could write a book about them. And we have done everything and have spent a small fortune on the house. Even had flashing put on and new gutter covers and the house sealed.

But can you believe we have one more to up there. We cage them and bring them a couple of miles from here - but this is getting crazy !
Disco had no idea what that was. He was smelling him here.

Okay one victory for us vs. the squirrels - we finally put our squirrel proof feeder out again. Last time the squirrels got into it. Therefore no birds. See the bottom ring - when a heavy squirrel gets on it - it activates it to go around and around and swing him off.

This time - it's a miracle - NO SQUIRRELS.

It is one for the squirrels and one for us!
Off to get one more squirrel.

"The mountain represents your purpose in life. You and your people will enjoy the greatest success and satisfaction if you relentlessly pursue your purpose." ~ Paul Stoltz

Does this mean my purpose is to catch squirrels?
Na - it probably means I need to learn more patience.
What is your mountain?

PS One more thing - I have made a decision to leave the comments on. Write what I need to write. Let you write if you want to comment. And let God do the rest. Thanks everyone for your comments yesterday.

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