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University of Mataram (Unram) is a college organized under the Ministry of National Education, based in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara Province. The process begins with the founding of the University of Mataram formation of the Preparatory Committee for Establishment of the State University of Mataram PTIP based on Ministerial Decree number 89/62 dated June 26, 1962. The committee is chaired by the Head of the Provincial Governor of NTB, namely R. Ar. Moh. Ruslan tjakraningrat. This then formed the preparatory committee of the Preparatory Committee, which consists of two parts, namely Part Core (Governor, Danrem, Police Chief, and Head of Branch High Attorney) and Section Operator (Section Lessons chaired by Drs. Soeroso, MA and Materials Section is chaired by Sadili Sastrawidjaja , SH). Agency This preparation resulted in two main proposals are:
a. Establishment of Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, and faculty who produce agronomist
b. Alternative name of the University: Sangkareang or MATARAM.
Under the proposal forwarded by the Preparatory Committee of the Preparatory Committee, established establishment located in the State University of Mataram, by the Decree of the Minister of PTIP No. 139/62 dated 3 November 1962. Until one year after the publication of the decree, none of the activities marking the proper functioning of the university, so that at the request of the Governor, on November 17, 1963 Education Foundation Sangkareang Faculty of Economics, which is expected to open later would become one of the faculty at the State University of Mataram.
Establishment of the Preparatory Committee of Mataram University on December 7, 1963 disbanded because their duties have otherwise been completed. On December 19, 1963 Education Foundation handed Sangkareang Faculty of Economics, founded with 41 students to the Governor for further inaugurated by the Minister of PTIP. At the moment this is officially the State University of Mataram began their activities. Based on this in the early days of commemorating the Anniversary of the University of Mataram on December 19. But after a series of processes are closely watched re-establishment determined later that the anniversary falls on every October 1.
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