State University of Gorontalo forerunner was founded in 1963 when named Junior College, is part of FKIP UNSULUTENG. That year turned into a branch FKIP UNSULUTENG. In 1964 its status changed to FKIP IKIP Branch Branch Yogyakarta Manado. In mid-1965 after IKIP Manado stand alone, this institution became one of its branches and its name became IKIP Manado Gorontalo Branch 4 foster faculty with 13 majors.
Please click here to access registration procedure Snmptn 2011 for this university.
In 1982 this institution was transferred from the Teachers' Training College Galway became one of the Faculty of the University of Galway by the name of Sam Ratulangi Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UNSRAT Manado in Gorontalo.
With the implementation of PP No. 30 Year 1990, then in 1993 the institute was officially established itself by the name of the High School Teacher Training and Education (STKIP) Gorontalo established by Presidential Decree No. 9 of 1993 dated January 16, 1993. Recognizing the limited scope coupled STKIP demanding needs of the community and local government, then in 2001 with Presidential Decree No. 19 Year 2001 dated February 5, 2001 upgraded to the status of these institutions that foster IKIP Affairs Gorontalo 5 faculties with 25 Study Program. And On June 23, 2004 President Megawati inaugurated into the State University of Gorontalo, with Presidential Decree Number 54 Year 2004, dated June 23, 2004.
Currently, State University of Gorontalo build 9 Faculty / Graduate Faculty of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences, Faculty of Literature & Culture, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport, Faculty Economics and Business and the Graduate Program
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