Universitas Borneo Tarakan is a college based in the City of Tarakan East Kalimantan. Borneo University Foundation was founded by Pinekindi on October 9, 1999 and is set on March 30, 2000 by Decree No. Pinekindi Foundation: 011/YP/TRK/III/2000.
Borneo University officially began holding educational process on June 6, 2001, in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of National Education No.. 37/D/O/2001. Currently the University of Borneo hold a Bachelor of Education (S-1) by 6 (six) School with 14 programs of study.
The main campus of the University of Borneo, at Jl. Charitable Old No.1 Tarakan
Rector of the University of Borneo at this time is Abdul Jabarsyah H. Ibrahim, PhD
Please click here to access registration procedure Snmptn 2011 for this university.
MOU – Borneo University with Nagasaki University

Rektor Abdul Jabarsyah, Ph.D., the faculty of fisheries and marine sciences lecture Dhimas Wiharyanto M.Sc. and the university adviser Prof. Dr. Hongo Ichiro visited Nagasaki University at Nagasaki city in Japan for the signing of the agreement between the two universities.
From Nagasaki University the representatives of the ceremonial are the President Prof. Katamine Shigeru, D.Med., the Vice President Prof. Koji Takehiko, Ph.D., the Dean of Fisheries Faculty Prof. Tachibana Katsuyasu, Ph.D. and the Vice Dean Prof. Hagiwara Atsuhi, Ph.D.
The purpose of this Agreement is to develop academic and educational cooperation to promote mutual understanding between the two universities.
Both universities agreed to develop collaborative activities in academic areas of mutual interest, base on equality and reciprocity, as follow:
1. Exchange of faculty members, researchers and administrative staff
2. Exchange of students
3. Implementation of collaborative research projects
4. Implementation of lectures and symposia
5. Exchange of academic information and materials
6. Promotion of other academic cooperation on which they have agreed.
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