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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Keys Answer of Soal TPA Snmptn 2011

The connection between SAT scores and scholarship/financial aid programs varies from program to program, but it is worth examining in general terms. Not all financial aid programs are merit-based, but many still require solid SAT scores for eligibility. Because each college has its own financial aid programs and policies, it's a good idea to check out a school's policy before applying. However, the majority of schools still do use the SAT and other standardized test scores to determine eligibility. In fact, the National Association for College Admissions Counseling (NACAC) recently found that nearly four out of five schools relied on these scores in their applications for merit-based aid programs. The good news is that if a student is accepted by a school that claims to be need-blind, that student's SAT score should be enough to award her whatever financial aid she needs.

Of course, students can collect financial aid from sources other than their colleges or universities. There is a plethora of merit-based scholarships available from philanthropists, corporations, and non-profit organizations who wish to reach out to their favorite subset of the best and brightest. No matter how unusual a student's interests, there's usually a scholarship to match. For example, vegetarian community leaders can apply for a $10,000 scholarship from the Vegetarians Resource Group, and skilled accordionists may win $1,000 from the American Accordion Musicological Society.

Not all merit-based scholarships rely heavily on SAT scores to determine a student's eligibility, but many do. The National Merit Scholarship, for instance, establishes a first round of finalists by looking at scores from the PSAT, an optional test before the SAT. And even the most activity-specific scholarships, such as athletic scholarships, look at a student's SAT score.
Merit-based scholarship programs are notoriously selective, many even more so than the majority of colleges, and chances are good they will include SAT score as a key criterion. As important as the SAT is for college applications, a high score can be just as essential for students who seek financial aid. So next time you pull out your flash cards, study right triangles, or write a timed essay to practice for the test, think of all the college money that could be yours because you pushed yourself to get a higher score.

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SAT or your scholastic aptitude test is an important test that you need to pass if you want to go to college. With this very important exam, you have to prepare yourself to pass it or ace it if you can. Of course, your SAT is your make or break test because this will determine if you can go to college, that is why preparation is crucial. You can however find a lot of tips and techniques in studying effectively for your SAT and some tips as well on how to take the exam confidently. Here are a few tips that might help you on how to study for SAT, score high and start working on that college degree you've always wanted.
- Find practice study guides and preparation materials that you can get for your scholastic aptitude test. Materials like these can help you get the feel of taking the exams rather than just going over your notes. You can find resources which can provide you with SAT-type study guides and practice test. You can secure one from your school or you can also find resources online or from friends who already passed the test.
- Take preparation courses that can help you pass or ace your SAT. It is important to emphasize preparation when it comes to taking this type of test, and if you want to score high with it, one way to prepare is to take preparation courses that are intended for those who are planning to take their SAT.
- Learn to take SAT-like exams under time pressure. This type of exam usually are under time restrictions and even if you have reviewed your lessons over and over if you crack under pressure, you may get into a mental block state where you might just forget everything that you have studied. Although the actual tests may 'feel' differently than during practice, it helps a lot to be able to learn to manage the pressure of time restrictions so you can focus more on answering the questions when you are already there, taking your actual scholastic aptitude test.
- Widen your vocabulary. Vocabulary is a common part of tests like the SAT and in fact, it can also be one of the parts that you can also best prepare with. If you want to score high in this exam, then start improving your vocabulary now. Learn new words ahead of time, master them, use them and broaden your vocabulary. Of course, if you are looking for ways on how to study for SAT, you must be preparing for that important test in your life, but keep in mind to start studying early. Set a schedule that allows you to study far ahead from the exam. Cramming is not a good option and in fact, it can lead you to higher chances of forgetting what you have studied.

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