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Monday, April 4, 2011

Prediksi Matematika UN 2011 for SMK

Saving our environment is moving into the domain of big business. Recent reports project 800,000 new jobs created by 2012 thanks to this and someone has to educate this new workforce. So as colleges and vocational schools have math, literature and other kinds of teachers, environmental science teachers are starting to appear.
Environmental teachers are educators who primarily work in post-secondary institutions. They usually have several years under their belt at anything from Brownfield Restoration to Sustainability Management or other similar occupations. As environmental science can cover an incredibly diverse number of specialties, from actual cleaning of the planet to the financial impact of a clean-up, many tend to teach what they did for a living.

The big difference between them and their environmental science peers is they took the extra step to get teaching certification. This means going back to school and getting a degree, starting with an MS, in education. It should be noted that if one wants to teach on the university level, there are two other requirements. The first is one must do their share of research in their specialty. While it is not uncommon for all professors to start teaching at the university level with a masters, it is usually only at an assistant professor's level. This means they can usually only teach the freshman and sophomore level classes. Also, while they are teaching, these assistant professors are finishing up their final courses and dissertation for their doctorate.
Another bonus about being a college-level professor is one can be on the front line of environmental research. If this isn't enough, publishing reports and studies on the state of the planet's ecology can also lead to book and other media-related exposure, which in turn can be another potential revenue stream.

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Salaries are dependent on a lot of factors. Most prominent is the grade level one is teaching at, which dovetails with one's level of education. Those teaching at a vocational level make considerably less than those with full professorships. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary is nearly $59,000. The top 10% earn over $120,000.
While this may not be the salary of a top scientist, there are other compensating perks. Besides strong insurance and retirement packages, there's the potential for tenure. With the job market being what it is, tenure means a job for life.

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