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Monday, April 4, 2011

Exercises Matematika UN 2011

Mathematical Problem is a matter of National Examination often considered difficult by the UN participants, be it the level of senior high schools, junior high schools, primary schools, or vocational school, even the UN participants Package A, B, or C. In this blog we provide training or Mathematical Prediction of UN 2011 for all levels of schools that followed the UN 2011.

Download Exercises Matematika National Exam 2011 for Senior High School (SMA/Madrasah Aliyah)

Math Tips for High School Students

Here are some key points students should remember when preparing for math in college:
1. College bound students should complete all their required high school math courses
A typical college bound high school math curriculum requires at least three years of math. Courses generally include Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry, or higher. However, most college admission officers prefer students to have completed at least four years of math. The fourth year math selection should allow the pupil to familiarize themselves with material that they may need to know for their desired major, minor, or other areas of interest at the college level.

2. Make the grade
Math can be challenging. But, in order to be competitive in when applying for college it is important for kids to earn a "C" or better in their math classes. If students are struggling they should look into getting extra help from the teacher, joining a peer study group, or signing up for math tutoring. There are many affordable options and some even include customized learning plans.

3. Predetermine what level of math you'll need to know down the line
The level of math you'll need to complete in college varies by major. Most accredited universities and colleges in the United States require all students in undergraduate baccalaureate degree programs to take "College Algebra" or equivalent. For some majors, this may be the only math course the student must complete. However, for many students "College Algebra" is the prerequisite to a number of other required math and science classes.

For example, an undergraduate Finance student earning a Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) degree may also need to successfully complete Applied Calculus and Quantitative Analysis. Other majors such as Engineering or Chemistry generally require even higher level math courses such as Calculus, Analytical Geometry and Differential Equations.

Download Exercises Matematika National Exam 2011 for Junior High School (SMP/MTs)

Simple Survival Tips For Middle School Math

Making the transition from elementary school to middle school can be like culture shock to many children. With a whole new world to adjust to in a different environment, the school work can definitely make it all overwhelming.
Math is a particularly hard subject for many middle school kids. However, the right simple survival tips for middle school math can lead them to success. It may be a good idea for the student to have a folder or binder of a specific color so they'll know that's where the math stuff is put.
Their backpack should also be cleaned frequently, so nothing important is lost, such as homework or study notes.
Studying should be done in a quiet area, be it in the library or their room with no music or television noises. This will greatly help with concentration. Math problems should always be done with a pencil or erasable pen, never a regular pen. Mistakes happen, and they should be able to fix those mistakes. Failure to use an appropriate writing utensil will only lead to messy paper and lots of frustration.
The parents of the student must make sure that their child has the elementary school basics of math down before entering middle school. If they aren't confident about math, their grades will suffer as a result, and they may just want to give up.
If the student doesn't understand something, they should go to a teacher or adult they trust for help. Ignoring the parts they don't understand can only lead to trouble.
Knowing these simple survival tips for middle school math could never hurt anything or anyone, and the student will only find satisfaction in what they can do.

Download Exercises Matematika National Exam 2011 for Elementary School (SD/MI)

Mastering Math in Elementary School

Everyone wants their children to do well in school, especially in math which seems to give people the most anxiety. There is no need to be anxious though if you use the following simple tips for studying elementary grade math.
Repetition rules.
This does not mean to jackhammer the information in for two hours but to practice it every day. Whether it is addition, multiplication or division a little bit each day goes a long way in developing an understanding of those particular principles.
Context is key.
Show how math applies to daily life such as grocery shopping where you could count boxes of pasta, cans of vegetables and so on. Another way to explore math skills that people need in their day to day lives is baking. Following recipes can include time telling skills, fractions and more.
Let the good times roll. Many board games involve math skills but you can also make up silly songs using math that make learning very fun and enjoyable.
If you usually use worksheets try flash cards. Switching things up can make studying less ho hum so if you always use beads or cubes to count with why no try poker chips or even M&M's to stretch those math skills. A change of pace can be refreshing and therefore more interesting to learn.
Practicing math on a chalk board, dry erase board or even on paper with markers can help cement those mathematical concepts. Using different media such as bright markers give practicing a different flair so it is easier to stick with it longer.
These simple tips for studying elementary grade math are a great way to make learning fun.

Download Exercises Matematika National Exam 2011 for Vocational School (SMK)

Secrets of Great Math Students

Many kids find it hard to earn As and Bs in math classes. Especially in high school, as competition grows and the teacher seems to fly through the text book, kids can use extra support. But anyone can choose to ace math - even if today's grade says otherwise. So look out algebra, geometry, and calculus. Here are five essential tips to learn math like an Einstein.
1. Have a positive attitude.
Your attitude toward math is 100% in your control. If you find math tough, make that motivate you, not discourage you. Mental effort should feel hard. That's exactly how we build up our math brains. Great math students embrace mental challenges. They love to grapple with new ideas, even make mistakes. Try to see your confusion as a normal early stage of learning. When you persevere with enthusiasm and don't quit, you end up with mastery!
2. Pay close attention to nuances.
Basketball players learn to read any defensive setup. They understand nuances that guide their chosen response - and help them score. In math, attention to detail will guide your correct problem-solving response. Strengthen this ability. Make sure you always understand why the step you are taking is called for to solve any particular problem. Avoid applying a procedure without a good mental roadmap of where you are and where you're going. A smart way to test yourself is to talk through a problem-solving sequence out loud.
3. Define your goals.
Do you want to raise a C to an A in algebra, ace the geometry final, or stay competitive in AP calculus? Set clear and specific math goals for yourself. You'll be more motivated, engaged and focused if you articulate a specific outcome and work toward it. Enlist the help of your teacher, classmates, parents, or a good local math tutor to help you stay on track.
4. Drill and practice.
Great math students spend a long time working on a particular problem type or concept to really master it. They do many similar problems, over and over, until they can solve that type of problem every time. By comparison, an average math student may feel satisfied when they reach a correct answer 75% of the time. But that's a C grade on a test! Even worse, it's a weak foundation on which to build more advanced math skills. If you lack motivation to drill and practice on your own, a math tutor can inspire you and keep you going.
5. Study math how you learn best.
Everyone learns in three ways - visual (seeing), auditory (hearing), and kinesthetic (hands-on). Most people have a preferred learning style, or favor a blend of two. Try to study math using approaches that fit your style. If you're unsure how you like to learn, try all of these ideas and keep what works best for you.
a. Color-code your learning. Use a colored pen set to distinguish ideas and concepts, associate like ideas, or highlight patterns in problems.
b. Draw pictures, graphs, number lines, diagrams, flow charts, and illustrations.
c. Write text-book material in your own words, in a notebook. Keep a journal of your new math knowledge and new questions you want to answer.
Say it out loud to yourself in natural language. e. Explain to a friend or parent what you have learned. Tell them about the concept as if you were teaching them.
d. Work with manipulatives - cubes or pattern blocks. Jump on a trampoline while solving math problems, or recite multiplication tables while hopping.
By working to become a great math student, you'll earn higher grades and achieve the goals you set for yourself in math. You'll also build confidence.

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