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Friday, August 6, 2010

National Examination fo Senior High School

Exam Study Tips That High School and College Students Need to Know

The process of studying for an exam can feel very overwhelming if you don't have good study skills. Often times this is the difference between those students who do well on exams and those students who barely get by. Learning exam study tips and increasing your study speed are tools that you need to become a better student and test taker. This article will provide five study tips that will help you become a better student and provide the benefits of studying faster.

Developing your study routine all starts with where you study. The idea is to find a place that is free from distraction. When studying it is important to block all distractions to maximize your focus. After finding the best place to study that is free of distractions use that same study place everytime. When to study will make a huge difference in your success. You need to start studying at least one week prior to the exam date and for really challenging exams you may need to start a week and a half to two weeks prior.

Proper note taking is another skill that will lead to better test performance. When taking notes be sure to write down key points of a lecture or class. You have to listen and write key points down. Re-write any notes that need clarification or notes that do not make sense. reviewing your notes at the end of everyday will save time when test preparation times rolls around.
Another tip is to highlight your textbook instead of underlining. Studies have shown that high lighting is a more effective way of memorizing the material. Instead of high lighting just key words and terms focus on high lighting key phrases and important material. Of course this does require you the student to read the chapters.

Why Don't Asian Students Ask Questions in Class?

When I was about to embark on my first teaching assignment in Asia, a colleague with lots of overseas teaching experience there told me to take lots of lesson material. When I asked why, he said, "Because Asian students don't ask questions". In Canada, the US or other Western country it is normal to have a question and answer period at the end of a lesson. In Asia, forget it! Unless you have a class of students who have studied overseas, you are likely to enjoy the sound of silence.
Why don't they ask questions? Let me answer that from my experience teaching in Thailand. It holds true throughout Asia and may vary by degree. A young child in Thailand is taught that 'father knows best'. In school, the teacher knows best. Copy down what the teacher puts on the board. There is little transfer of learning. Change the wording on the exam and most of the students will probably not be able to answer the question.
Now, add to that the concept of 'face' which is prevalent throughout Asia though virtually unknown in North America and other Western countries. If a student asks a question in class, s/he leaves her/himself open to two possible 'loss of face' scenarios. By asking a question, it implies that a) either the teacher did not explain the topic well enough for the student to understand - thus opening up a loss of face situation for the teacher in front of the class, or b) the students was too dumb to have understood what the teacher was saying and so the student loses face amongst her/his classmates. While this may seem ridiculous to some and a little odd to others, believe me, it is a fact of life in Asia - at least in the oriental countries.
Since neither situation is a good one to initiate, it is better to avoid the problem by not asking the question - at least not in class. The student may opt to speak to the teacher outside the classroom after class or sometime later when there is no one else around. Loss of face is a serious issue in Asia, potentially even fatal. I kid you not. Teachers in Western countries who have newly-arrived Asian students should at the very least be aware of 'face'. These students become 'westernized' quickly though.
I think the situation is changing as more and more students are exposed to western thinking, teaching and culture but within Asia traditions die hard.
The 'face' issue goes hand-in-hand with a concept that I have termed 'The Cyborg Effect'. If you recall the Cyborg from Star Trek in their gigantic metal cube, these creatures functioned as individual bodies but one linked mind. In Thailand, students sit in pairs generally. Ask one student a question and you will not usually get an immediate response. The student will turn to her/his partner and confer. You will then receive a collective answer.

Dr. Robert Taylor

Final Exam for Senior High School in Indonesia (SMA / MA)

Download Solutions of Final Exam for Senior High School in Indonesia - 2010 :

  1. Mathematics

  2. Indonesia Language

  3. English

  4. Physics

  5. Chemistry

  6. Biology

  7. Sociology

  8. Economy

  9. Geography

National Education Ministry of Republic of Indonesia will implement the national exam remains despite much criticism and a rejection of the various elements of society.

Head of Analysis and Information Ministry of National Education (Kemendiknas) Haris Setiadi in Medan, said the national exam (UN) will still be implemented because it is a mandate of the Law on National Education System.

In addition, the UN still represents one of the benchmarks to see the development of education, so the government can know more about the advancement of education in these areas.

"If not held, until this moment we do not yet have a replacement mechanism for the UN as a graduation standards in Indonesia," he said after Kemendiknas public dialogue with educators and educational staff who are rangakain of the conduct of the National Science Olympiad (OSN) IX in Medan.

Although the UN is very big opportunity to be held on schedule next year, but according to him the final decision remains in the House of Representatives, let alone all this time there are many parties who rejected mainly from the regions.

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