Okay - don't know if you have heard of this man. A Christian. And a football player.
Tim Tebow
He's a relatively new football player. A lot of people don't like him - I think it's because of his beliefs.
This is from Wikepedia:
"The Tebow Rule"
"In 2010, a new rule for the next NCAA football season, dubbed "The Tebow Rule" by media because it would have affected him, banned messages on eye paint. During his college football career, Tebow frequently wore biblical verses on his eye black. In the 2009 BCS Championship Game, he wore John 3:16 on his eye paint, and as a result, 92 million people searched "John 3:16" on Google during or shortly after the game. Additionally, later, when Tebow switched to another verse, there were 3.43 million searches of "Tim Tebow" and "Proverbs 3:5-6" together. Tebow stated of the searches "It just goes to show you the influence and the platform that you have as a student-athlete and as a quarterback at Florida".
The NFL already has a rule like this in prohibiting players from wearing messages on eye black; so, Tebow would not be able to continue the practice in the NFL. Despite the media labeling it as the Tebow rule, the NCAA denies the rule was influenced by Tebow particularly, since many other notable players (Reggie Bush and Terrelle Pryor for example) wear or have worn messages on eye black. An NCAA spokesman said "When this rule was proposed the committee did not focus on any one team or student athlete. That measure reinforces what the intended use of eye black is, which is to shade the eyes from the sun."
Superbowl 2011
A nationwide controversy surrounded Tebow's decision to appear in an ad funded by the socially conservative organization Focus on the Family that was broadcast during Super Bowl XLIV on CBS.[112][113] There were two 30-second commercials, which included Tebow's personal story as part of an overall pro-life stance. The abortion issue was not specifically mentioned in the ad.[114] Pro-choice groups condemned the ad, while pro-life groups rallied around Tebow.
It's 12 minutes long - so you can watch some of it or not - I know it is a busy weekend.
This is a man who takes whatever people dish out - in spite of his belief - for his belief.
Kind of cool. No amazing.
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.
- Ambrose Redmoon

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