Around 1960, the institution that is in the area Banyumas new level to the High School Level of both general and vocational. While the public interest and desire to achieve a higher education, has been increasing. At that time, the SMTA will graduate education, should be forced to find outside the region Banyumas. This is only affordable by the SMTA graduates, whose parents are willing and able membiayainya. Then the idea arose through community leaders, both formal and informal, to establish the University in the area of Banyumas. The idea is dirintis start with: 1. The Committee formed the Faculty of Agriculture on 10 February 1961, as the fetus or the capital base in the area of Banyumas UnSoed based in Purwokerto. 2. Establish a foundation called the Foundation to the Pembina UnSoed, Akte Notaris number with: 32 on 20 November 1961. Top terbentuknya Pembina Foundation UnSoed, then all the tasks and obligations and property rights committee of the Faculty of Agriculture, submitted to the Pembina Foundation UnSoed. Founder of the efforts of the Faculty of Agriculture, followed by the Foundation and the Pembina UnSoed, successfully established the Faculty of Agriculture, and for a while under the auspices of Diponegoro University, located in Purwokerto, with PTIP Minister Decree number 121, dated 20 September 1962. After the Faculty of Agriculture stood Banyumas increasingly vibrant community to establish a University. This was the mengalirnya variety of assistance, such as moral and material from all over the Karesidenan Banyumas (District Banyumas, Cilacap, Banjarnegara Purbalingga and District).
Please click here to access registration procedure Snmptn 2011 for this university.
Pembina Foundation Board UnSoed Society and the leaders, both formal and informal, try contacting figures University (UGM, IPB and UNDIP) and Head of the Department of PTIP, the head region of Central Java Level I, Chief Land Forces and other institutions-institutions, in efforts to establish a University. In addition to the assistance of various parties, and for the grace of God Almighty, on 23 September 1963, was born in the State University of Banyumas UnSoed with the name, which is based in Purwokerto, with Presidential Decree No. RI. 195 tangggal 23 September 1963 and Decree No Minister PTIP. 153, dated 25 November 1963.
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